
Monday, October 22, 2012

Burlap Covered Lamp Shades With Scrap Flowers

I have been picking up some basic lampshades and in the garage they have sat....

I had a bit of motivation and some burlap!

I love covering lamp shades, because you can get so creative and pretty much anything goes.

The first time I ever attempted covering a shade I used a pattern, just an fyi that it not the easiest first attempt, lol!

A fun solid pattern like the above are a piece of cake.

Just lay the fabric on the floor and wrap it around the shade to ensure you have enough.

Then grab some spray adhesive (make sure you do a light even coat) and slowly smooth your fabric over the shade.

I use a sharp hobby (razor) knife to trim the edges and lightly hot glue them under the inside rim.

Then decorate to your hearts desire!

I love making scrap flowers, usually I make these when I am watching the kiddos during bath time!  It's all about multi-tasking when your a Mom, right?

Easy, fun project!  Try it out!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Striped Old Suitcase Table

Yay, finished a little makeover tonight!  Awhile back I made a cute little suitcase table...well I guess no one else thought it was has been sitting in the booth for a bit.  Last week I brought it home.
I thought it would be fun to glam it up a bit with some STRIPES!  I just measured the overall length and then figures out a pattern and marked it.  Then I drew some pencil lines with a scrap piece of cardboard.
Next I filled in the lines in a glossy white.
It isn't perfect, but it did add that bit of character!
Wouldn't it be a fun bed side table?
Luckily the bottom was already black with the shabby white edges, so it paired up nicely.

Have you ever made an Old Suitcase Table?  They are super easy, wanna see how I do it?

Just get some big fender washers and screws.  These I just screw straight into the stand.
If the suitcase isn't perfectly square, just shim the front a bit.

That's it!  See it's pretty easy!  Remember when I made my first one in all white?  You can view that here.

Oh guess what else?  I finally started a Facebook page!  Hopefully you can come follow along!

Have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This Old Schoolhouse, My Dream Home

Yep, I am still alive!


I have been on a whirlwind lately, barely keeping my head above water.

I have been developing a new program for work, and we are just to the launching stage.

Not sure if that means I will finally slow down, or I am about to get much busier!  Yikes!

I had to take a bit and tell you this funny little story.

Our Central Office for work is in a really small town in Oregon.

A couple of year ago, my boss showed me how to drive going the back roads.

This then takes you through some even smaller towns...

Well if you are like me and you drool over cool old houses, you would love this drive.

I have always had my favorite on this drive.

For the past couple of years the grass has been growing tall, and the windows are all boarded up.

Well, I had a couple of minutes on my drive so I stopped to take some pics. (You know I had to show you)

I wasn't about to get out of the car, so they aren't great!

Yes here is my dream!

It is an amazing old schoolhouse!

I then went to snap a picture of the is pretty amazing as well.

Everything was going great until I went to take one more picture...I was lining up my phone to snap away;

a truck pulls right in front of me, and a old man says "Can I help you?"

Yikes!  Well um I really love old buildings...and I really love that old schoolhouse?

His diesel truck was a rumbling...and he said something back to me.

Sorry I didn't catch that?  He said "What about me?"

LOL, I kind of breathed a sigh of relief...he wasn't super angry at me!

Anyhow, to make a long story short

He said that he just purchased the property and is just started the remodel process on the house!

Want to know what is even better....?

Anytime I want to stop by, he will give me a full tour!

I so cannot wait

Oh yeah, and I assured him I was happily married :)

I have been telling my husband...maybe he doesn't want the schoolhouse....maybe we can buy some property and have it moved here?

He thinks I am nuts!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Little Red Piano Bench

Another project in the books with some COLOR!  I so hate to admit it, but I totally forgot to take a before picture!  Ugg, I hate that!  Hopefully you can picture it, dark brown legs and a faux leather black top!

I started out thinking I was going to paint this a turquoise blue.  I started spraying and ran out of paint!  Back to my stash of paint and I came up with some red and thought; what the heck!
You can see above where I distressed, you can see bits of the turquoise showing just a bit.  I loved that though!
For the top I had the perfect amount left over from the Thrift Otoman Makeover, yeah for spending no money!

This piece came from a yard sale at my neighbors house.  Thankfully they are super meticulous about taking really good care of everything!  This piece was an oldie, but in pristine condition.

Wouldn't this be a fun little piece at a piano?  Oh, this is making me think of the coolest piano...check it out!
Yes, this is a Painted Piano by Sweet Pickins!  Pretty amazing if you ask me!  Read how she did this here.

Hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Orange Chair Fall-ish Project

I decided I needed to go way out there with a color, seems like I have been playing it pretty safe lately!  I bought this can of orange spray paint awhile back and it has been sitting and sitting in the garage.
Oh phew, I did find a before picture!  You never know with me!

This chair was such a pain!  The screws underneath were a square head, and of course I didn't have this tool!  Took me forever to remember to pick one up at the store!

Just for fun, I spray painted the orange velvety upholstery. not cute (note to self, don't waste paint!)

I sprayed the entire piece with 2 coats of the orange paint.
Some pretty cute legs!

After the paint was dry I used some black glaze and rubbed it all over.
The glaze is the best at toning down the color a bit, and bringing out all the fun details.
I kept it pretty simple with the upholstery!  I didn't want to be too out there, lol!  This is just a piece of drop cloth on the seat.

I was thinking this would make a great piece for a fall porch display, what do you think?
Yeah for fun parties to share on!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Vanity Mirror Wing Re-Do

Remember when I did this little makeover on an old vanity mirror?

Well see those little wings that were on the sides of the mirrors?  I have had these sitting in the garage since!  My awesome friend was over awhile back and I was asking her "What should I do with these?"  she said just hook them together and make it like a big mirror!  Well duh, why didn't I think of that!  So that is what I did!
 I still had the old piano hinges from when I took them off of the big mirror, so I just grabbed those and hooked the pieces together.
 This is the front hooked.
Then I painted a few coats of paint (homemade chalk paint of course).  Then some sanding and a coat of paste wax.
Viola!  Old side mirrors turned into one big mirror!
Sorry I didn't get the best pictures since this was already in the booth when I snapped these!  Thankfully this was in and out in a couple of days!  I wonder how the new owner used it?  I am just glad these old pieces got some new use!
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Funky Junk