Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Day of Shopping

Remember awhile back when I just figured out that an awesome vintage market happens right here in my hometown??  Well guess what!  It is this weekend, so excited!
I hear the displays are amazing, so I am ready to be inspired!  Then around the corner from that we have this fun little show.
Of course I have to go here too!  This show has quite a few gals from the shop, so I must go and support!  Then we must visit our town stores:
Main Street Station

And of course..the ever favorite..  RUSTY GLAMOUR!
More Rusty...
This is our booth in Rusty Glamour!

Well it looks like it may be an eventful day, better get cracking!  Do you have fun plans for the day?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Subway Art DIY

I finally finished my DIY Subway Art!  Literally this has taken me months!  Not because it was super difficult, I just couldn't get that motivation.  So yesterday afternoon I was supposed to be doing book work for my hubs business....but guess what?  Motivation struck instead, lol!

I was so motivated when I saw this tutorial from From Gardners 2 Bergers.  Becca did a great job on her instructions...but I still couldn't figure it out!  I played around with my Word program but I really didn't have any luck.  I had to talk myself into this "I am a smart girl, right?"  add that with the fact that I really, really wanted some of this art in my house!  So I started looking at photo editing sites.  I finally settled on

Once you are on the site you have the option to create a new blend.  Then you just choose fonts and sizes and go to town.  I created the whole took me awhile.  I ended up choosing fun words from our home town.  Then I save the image on a U-drive.

Then I hit another road block.  Becca finally found a Staples that did an engineers print.  Well I don't have a Staples by me.  I called the Office supply store closest and they had no idea...great!  We do have Office Max and Office Depot, I so cannot remember which one ended up having this BUT THEY DO!!!

I didn't have the best little gal in copies at the store; really I got all of her life stories and different stories of her having to deal with customers when she is really hungry because it is almost lunch time! (For real) (I am not kidding)  They didn't know what an engineers copy was but I just explained that there was a black and white copy that I can get really big for really cheap, lol!  Luckily she finally figured it out!

After about an hour and a half, and yes I came home with 2 because she couldn't get it to print the full 30x40.  She said I will have to come back and someone that knew a little more would have to help me....let's face it, I was spent!  Mine ended up being 24x24.

I was super excited but then these prints sat and sat at my house!

Yesterday, I pulled out the jigsaw and trimmed a piece of thin plywood for my backing.
Then I applied Modge Podge all over the board to adhere the poster.
Next I lined up the poster to the board and used the handy dandy Home Depot Gift Card to run over the top and get the bubbles out.  Don't panic!  There is only a couple of dollars on the gift card, lol!
I wanted my piece really distressed so if you don't you will have to be really careful rubbing on the top.  The black comes off really easy!

Next I flipped it over to attach the edges.
I stapled the back side down and on the corners, I folded these similar to when you do a corner on upholstery.
Next I distressed the entire piece, I really wanted it to look old.  I took some really fine steel wool and ran it over the entire print.  For the hanger my husband help me screw in some knoted jute twine.  I liked this look, kind of industrial.

This should be sealed with a spray sealer for paper; yeah I haven't done that yet!  I don't think anyone will touch it up on the wall, but the black does rub off when you do.
You can see this as you walk in my front door; makes me smile every time!  Love it!

So what do you think of Subway Art?  Do you love it or hate it?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mustard! Dresser To Entertainment Console

So this has been in my living room for awhile, all of the sudden I realized I didn't share the final!  Do you remember when I showed you the mirror makeover?  Remember this chest of drawers we got as well?
Well besides being a bit dusty, this sweet dresser was in great shape.  Look how clean the inside is (don't mind all the Wii gadgets).  Isn't the liner in these drawers too cute?
For this project I decided I wasn't going to run out and buy more paint.  So I took a trip to the shed, where the old paint colors live.  Then I found this mustard yellow....can you believe this used to be my living room color??  I loved it...while it lasted...for about as long as I love any paint color in my home, lol!
As you can see I took out the middle drawer and slipped in the ugly HD cable box (I hate that thing).  With the paint; I mixed some plaster paris and water, make it like pancake batter consistency, then add the equal amount of paint.  I use canning jars for this, then if you need to seal it up, just attach the lid and voila!
At first I didn't like this little design and thought about wood puttying it up.  Now I adore it!
All these little details sold me on this piece.  As I was working on it, I told my hubs, I think I am going to keep this! (you know preparing him, lol).
After about 3 coats of the paint, I sanded all the edges.  Then I mixed up some black glaze and made all these little imperfections pop out.  Aren't these little holes so fun with the glaze?
The hardware was kind of a challenge.  The old stuff just wasn't going to do, it was really big!  We found these when we were on our Farm Chicks adventure.  They are pretty great, eh?  The only problem is they don't quite fit on the middle drawer.  I still need to find some new pulls for this part.
I also need to finish a bit around the cable box.  I didn't want to pull out the old drawer guide, so I will have to get creative...;we will see.
See what I mean with that middle hardware?
I do love how the yellow pops against the grey/blue color of my walls.  Just a super fun piece!  The drawers are really fun for storage, right now they are full (of course).  Coloring books, crayons, games, the list goes on and on!  At least they are out of the line of vision!

Did you see the finial I made?  What do you think, too strange?

Sharing on!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Just A Little Hello Rambling

Just wanted to drop in and say Hello!  Summer finally hit here in the Northwest so we have been outside soaking up the rays as much as possible.  Yesterday I made a quick thrift run and had full intention to work on projects all day....then I played with the kids in the sandbox, then I started weeding in the know how it goes!

This time of year I could literally turn into a giant blueberry (I love them that much!)  So I was pretty excited to hear it was opening weekend for u-pick!  We made a trip on Saturday and on Sunday!  Look how pretty these are!

I'm not sure if you can tell but these blueberries are huge!
These little ladies were a great help, if they stayed out of my bucket!
I just had to add this one, my little muchkins latest accomplishment!
I know it isn't a great picture, but isn't that crazy?  This is a pretty tight space and he just climbed on in!  Crazy kiddo!

So it was an awesome weekend BUT I am burnt!  I totally know better but I wasn't thinking!  That sun is potent!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sisal Knot Vase

I was scrolling through some pictures and I forgot to show you all this fun little craft project I completed the other day.  Well I better get to it!

You will need

3/8" Sisal twine (from any hardware store)
Glass vase (any size)
Hot Glue

Clean the vases...obviously I didn't do this until after because I am strange like that.  Oh and if you have really nasty ones like this, what I use is the Xfine steel wool.  It worked awesome!
Just start by putting a stream of hot glue on the bottom edge and start wrapping the twine.  In the beginning you will want to use hot glue on all the parts, but as you move up you only need a little bit.
Aww, clean much better!  Keep wrapping however you like it.  For these I was thinking some sand and a candle so I went about a quarter of the way up.
Leave about 12" at the end, then tie a knot and adjust where you like it and glue away.
Thats it!  Pretty easy fun project right?  I wish I had a picture to show you on a mantle, but I ran them to the booth and they were gone right away, oops!  I better go and make some more, doesn't your own home always come last?

Enjoy your day!

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